Eternal Love

Retha Bogard

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Eternal Love

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Eternal Love is a compilation of songs that speak of a Love Divine that I believe we are all striving for. A love of ourselves, a love of our planet, a love with our soul partner and a deep love relationship with our Creator. A love that we are longing for and will go to all depths to achieve this destiny. Love is what has created all of us and it

Eternal Love is a compilation of songs that speak of a Love Divine that I believe we are all striving for. A love of ourselves, a love of our planet, a love with our soul partner and a deep love relationship with our Creator. A love that we are longing for and will go to all depths to achieve this destiny. Love is what has created all of us and it will also be the answer to all the turmoil our planet is undergoing at this time while we are creating our New Earth.

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